Friday, September 25, 2009

The American Self-Loafer

Sunnydazz writes: 2 of 5 Stars

Eddie Vedder the American Self-Loather will be blaming Bush and Corporate America when this CD tanks........

September 23, 2009 10:08 PM EST

"Bitter, table for one..."

Man, laughed my ass off when I read this. "American Self-Loather!" That's awesome dude! I found that little gem underneath a Rolling Stone review of Backspacer, PJ's new album. I don't normally go for reviews of any sort-especially before I read, view or buy reviewed product, but generally when I am blown away by something I do have to turn to the "experts" to see why.

It took me a while to dig it. I haven't shed any tears on this one yet, as some have, but after about five good listens to it over two or three days I have plunged full-on in love with this album. It is heavy, a little hard to listen to, but I've listened to it about ten times since yesterday-I can't stop.

Why does Eddie Vedder write so many songs about me?

"Vainglorious, table for two..."

1 comment:

  1. I love the album. Just Breathe is destinied to be a Bic Lighter/lit cellphone song at their shows.

    I will let you know how their show is Oct. 4...

