Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Cleanest Dirty Shirt

Sunday morning I caught the 8:20 or so 5 bus, headed north. Usually I am with Sarah at this time; it's when we go up to the K & A to get produce. I was alone this time though. Here are a couple of pictures of our 5 bus stops:

This is the 5 bus stop at the corner of Frankford and Cumberland. If you catch the bus here, it will take you north toward Frankford Transportation Center. Doesn't the Coastline Large look slick. Below is a picture of where you'd stand if you wanted to catch the 5 bus southbound. That is where Sarah and I catch the bus when we head to work. Neither of us have ever eaten at Father and Son's pictured there, nor have we ever used that ATM. Kensington High School can be seen in the background bathed in light. This is Kensington.

On the way up to Allegheny, I passed the garden that I have been working at a couple, or more times a week. I snapped a couple of pictures, look fast!

Man, what great pictures. I got the leading edge and the trailing edge (heading north) of the garden and some nice interior shots of the 5 bus. I thought to turn off the flash, good thing. I forgot the address of the garden, but it is just north of Huntingdon on Franford Avenue. Stop by and say hello or help out; we'd love to have you. Ask for Dan or Rachel, they can teach you a lot.

The reason I was headed north on the 5 bus was to go get produce. We go every week to a place at the K & A called the Produce Junction. Well, it's named Produce Connection, but Sarah and I call it Produce Junction. I don't know why really, maybe because it sounds better. Let us know if you want us to rename your child, church or business. I am sure we know what it should to be called. Here is a picture of it on a gray Sunday morning:

They sell nearly everything. We used to get strictly fruits and vegetables, but we recently started buying off brand boxes of cereal. They are really cheap, taste great and have nice packaging. One of our favorites is a raisin bran knock off called "Magic Time." We love magic time.

In case you are wondering, the K & A is the neighborhood that surrounds the intersection of Kensington and Allegheny. That is where the el stop named Allegheny is. The neighborhood is pretty rough in spots.

Here is a picture of Allegheny Avenue, taken from the el stop, looking west. If you look real closely, a door or two down from the check cashing place is cozy little place called Jack's Famous Bar. I don't know cozy, I've never been in, nor do I know what it is famous for. Who knows. I used to work at this crazy place called the Burton. To get there every morning I had to walk alone this lonely street of dreams about six blocks. I did that until I punched in the head a few times by some kids. I convinced Sarah to let me start riding my bike.

Stay tuned for more uplifting tales, find out more about this garden on Frankford, a man named Dan and a woman named Sarah.

Name well.

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