Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Pedal Brake That You Depended On

So, back to the Fruits. I don't know really. I feel so bad lately. I came home from work and lid down for a nap at 3:45. Sarah woke me up at 10:15, asking me to let her in bed. So odd, why couldn't she get in bed? Why was I sprawled like that? Why was it dark? I went back to sleep and woke up around 8 am. I guess the past couple of weeks finally caught up with me. My body aches and I just can't rustle up the gumption to do anything.

And I'm supposed to think about this? I am supposed to think about how I can be more loving? I asked Sarah last week about that, what being loving meat to her. In reply she stated that a way to love her more would be to take care of myself. Gee Whiz! Tall order there girl.

Well, I'll end like this:

That is my beautiful wife, Sarah, to the right, and our beautiful friend Mariko, to the left at some outside food function. One, I forgot to ask Mariko about that beautiful dress-shirt she is wearing (its origin and whatnot). Two, Sarah smiling at an outdoor food function.

The Fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:19-23, New International Version)

Not a real whack at LOVE, we'll try again later. I have some Ideas they are just mired in upheaval and tumult at the moment.

Sayonara Dora

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