Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Forget Me Nots

It was a big weekend in the Garden. I am pooped out. I usually overdo it on the tree day weekends, too much. Lucius oversaw the progress.

I harvested a whole lot of greens this weekend; thanks be! It was time to replenish our stash, but I was trying to make some room for some pepper plants and brussels sprout plants that were given to us this weekend.

Remember those tiny bean sprouts from a couple of weekends ago? Here they are pictured above. I also finally finished the big (30x96 inches) bed. It is pictured in the background. Sarah and I bought basil, strawberries, cauliflower, and another eggplant to put in. I filled the bed out with onion sets and beets.

The garden is starting to round out nicely. Above is a large portion of it.

Above is a picture of the side of the house, well, the plants that live there. There is ivy, anis, Kentucky Blue pole beans (about three plants) a big pot of carrots that have not started to rise yet, a potted eggplant, a cantaloupe plant, and some rosemary starts I am trying. That is just collected rain water, full of pollen, not a honey bucket.

Here is a better shot of the cantaloupe plant and the rosemary. I got some clippings from Dan at the circle garden and I am trying to make them sprout roots. One glass is full of compost juice, the other full of honey water (a poor man's "root hormone").

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