Monday, May 18, 2009

The Corn of Wheat

I did a lot of thinning yesterday in the garden. We have a bunch of greens growing together-along with radishes and Chinese kale, which I guess is a green, but I think it may really be Chinese broccoli. I may have encountered a translation controversy. Who knows?
Anyway, lots of greens-a variety of lettuce, some Chinese mustard, spinach and tucked way down there, some ruby Swiss chard (at the center of the above photo) that I am trying
to unveil.

As you can see (to the left), it is being dominated by the Chinese mustard. It was time to bring in the mustard and give the chard a little room to grow. Besides, if you look closely, you can see some spots where an interloper was snacking on our mustard greens.

Wake up! Time to die!

I thinned pretty aggressively. Isn't that ruby chard beautiful. It is also tasty, nutritious and fun to say. Ruby Swiss chard, almost as fun as bacon drippings-but just doesn't get around as much.
Stop draggin' and plant some today, before it gets too hot, or wait until late summer. It is pretty hardy and will carry you well into the fall.
I am going to take a wild guess and estimate that we have harvested about two pounds of greens from our garden. I am sure a correction is coming if merited.

Here is the first of about eight radishes I pulled yesterday from the bed mentioned above. This is our first radish of 2009, quite handsome and worth documentation, but I wanted to show the thinning that happened.

In the background, to the left of the radish, you can see some of those baby chard plants. I didn't stop there though. I harvested a lot of the spinach seen growing at the bottom of this photo, and a bunch of the radishes seen growing to the right in this photo.*

*I am sure that is all real clear, or else I wouldn't have posted it.

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